Si leyeron èsta entrada anterior o me siguen de cerca, no es ningun misterio que AMO EBAY. Navegando por el sitio he encontrado MILES de cosas super geniales: entre ellas las rèplicas que muchas chicas andan buscando. Y no solo hablo las comerciales de DOL. Si no prints de Angelic Pretty, Btssb e Innocent World que nadie sabe que han sido copiados. ¡Incluso me he topado con copias muy buenas de bolsos marcas lolita!
If you read this previous post or if you follow me closely you already know I am a HUGE EBAY fan. Surfing the site I have come across a bunch of super special awesome stuff: replicas among them. I am not talking about easy to find DOL replicas. I am talking about Angelic Pretty, Btssb and Innocent World prints that you didn't even know have been replicated. I have even landed on posts for fake bags from the biggest lolita brands!
Les coparto los links de las cositas que he encontrado.
I am sharing with you links of the stuff I have found
Yo no apoyo las rèplicas y no comprarìa una para mi. Ya lo hice una vez para probar la calidad (compre una replica de Milky Chan y la de Royal Poodle) y me parecieron similares a Bodyline. Por el dinero me parece un poco caro la verdad y prefiero tener cositas originales. Pero sè que hay quienes las buscan y tambièn es una opciòn muy vàlida. Asì que les ayudo un poco en lo que puedo.
I do not support replicas and I would never buy one for myself again. I did a while back to test the quality (got Milky Chan and Royal Poodle). They were pretty similar to Bodlyline stuff. For the money I find them a bit expensive and I prefer to have orginal desings. But I also know there are people who like them and I think it is a very valid option. So here, have some links.
Si bien la mayoria son copias de Btssb y Angelic Pretty es por que son las marcas dominantes. Antes habìa rèplicas de Royal Poodle y Chandelier Print de Angelic Pretty (con todo y el logo en el vestido) pero ya no las venden :( Estoy segura que hay màs cosas piratas por ebay o taobao, pero yo no me he puesto a buscar. Solo escribo de lo que voy encontrando.
I know most replicas are from Btssb and Angelic Pretty, but that's cause they are the biggest brands. A while back they had Royal Poodle and Chandelier Print replicas from AP (with the logo and everything on the dress) but they are sold out. I am sure there are a bunch of other fake things around ebay and taobao. I just haven't been looking. This stuff are things I have come across casually.
Hace tiempo hice una guía sobre copias hechas por Bodyline a otras marcas xD pero la dejé inconclusa. Si hay interés en eso puedo completarla si gustan =D
A while back I did a guide to all the replicas made by Bodyline from other brands xD but I have it unfinished. If you'd like me to publish it just let me know and I will get back to work on it.
¿Qué opinan de las réplicas? ¿Tienen algunas?
¿Cuál es la principal razón por la que las compran o comprarían?
What do you think about replicas? Do you own some?
What's the main reason you buy or have considered to buy one?