Como yo vivo en una ciudad fronteriza a veces celebras ciertas tradiciones del país vecino y se omiten otras del centro del país. Tal es el caso de Día de Muertos (casi no se celebra aquí) pero se le da muchísimo auge a Halloween y Thanksgiving Day!
As many of you know I live in a border town. Sometimes certain traditions from the neighbor country are celebrated instead of the ones from my country. Such is the case of Day of the Dead (which is mostly celebrated in the south of my country, but not really here).Halloween and Thanksgiving Day are very popular in my town, but they are not mexican traditions.
La mayoría de las personas utilizan Halloween y el Día de Acción de Gracias como una excusa para reunirse con amigos y familiares. Lo cual me parece totalmente lógico xD En casa de mi padre no se celebra nada mas que Navidad. Pero en casa de mi madre celebran lo que sea.
Most people here use Halloween and Thanksgiving as an excuse to gather with friends and family. I find it very logical. In my father's house nothing is celebrated, except Christmas. On the contrary at my mom's house they celebrate EVERYTHING.
Así que fui a casa de mi madre / So I went to my mom's house.

Puré de papas, relleno del pavo y gravy de hongos
Mashed potatoes, turkey filling and mushroom gravy.

Centro de mesa/ Table's centerpiece.

Mi plato / My plate.
El pavo y sus complementos fueron comprados a un restaurante local xD porque no hubo tiempo de hacerlo.
The turkey and the other things were purchased from a local restaurant because mommy had no time to bake it xD
Puré de papas, relleno del pavo y gravy de hongos
Mashed potatoes, turkey filling and mushroom gravy.
Centro de mesa/ Table's centerpiece.
Mi plato / My plate.
Prácticamente lancé la comida sobre el plato y comí a toda velocidad. Se me hacía tarde para ir a clases T___T me hubiera gustado quedarme mas tiempo.
I threw the food on my plate and ate as fast as I could,since I was running late for school. I really would've liked to stay a bit longer T__T
Y ustedes, ¿Celebran el dia de acción de gracias?
How did you celebrate Thanksgiving Day?