El año pasado hice un reto de fotos para octubre (sugerido por Dan) y como aprendimos y nos divertimos mucho este año decidimos hacerlo nuevamente.
Last year for october I did a photo challenge (suggested by Dan) and since we had a lot of fun and learned a few new things, this year we thought about doing another one.

1.Hat or Scarf
Why not Both?
Last year for october I did a photo challenge (suggested by Dan) and since we had a lot of fun and learned a few new things, this year we thought about doing another one.

1.Hat or Scarf
Why not Both?
2.Rule of Thirds
3.Street Scene
4. Happiness
5. Depth of Field
6.With a prop
7.Girly or Femenine
9. Black & White
11. Serious
12. Minimalism
13. Architecture
14. Low Light
15. Fun
17.Splash of Red
18. Ligh & Shadowç
19. Retro (The filter's called retro) xD
20. Leaves
21. Wide Angle ????
22.Sill Life
23. Window Light